
Showing posts from January, 2021

Issue 20

  Drastic measures:   I love writing. Throughout the pandemic, I have found finding time to write far harder than I normally would. It is ironic, as when the lockdowns first started, the silver-lining was that I would be working from home and so the wasted travel time could be used for more writing. That just hasn’t happened. The travel time has slowly been absorbed by work time and just like many find it hard to differentiate between work time and home time, I find it hard to switch between working on a laptop and then sitting at the same desk and suddenly writing fiction.   With me writing creatively was all about location. My desk at home was somewhere different from work, a coffee shop was different, the pub was different. All of them triggered the creative part of my brain. I’ve tried changing rooms, but it is not quite the same. There have been the odd good days but like everyone Lockdown 3 – the return of the tedium has been hard. The kids are really struggling this time ro