
Showing posts from April, 2021

Working From Home Herald - Issue 26

  The new first day So, as you might have gathered from the last couple of issues, I was a tad excited to have the pubs open again. There is just something about drinking in a pub garden with the sun shining and having a draught pint rather than a can. My Dad was equally excited, if not more so. My mum had actually reported that over the last few months she had to peel his face away from the pub window at points when he has walked past. Having had the week off, we agreed to meet on Wednesday lunch time to have our first drink. I thought this was perfectly reasonable but soon learned that on the Monday they opened my Dad was one of the first customers at my local pub, having conjured some spurious reason as to why he needed to go to Sainsburys as soon as the snow had stopped! Still Wednesday came and the drink was every bit as good as we had anticipated. I have a great relationship with my Dad but he is a very, old fashioned and stoic man with little to say at the best of times. Our tru

Issue 25

  Training to drink: I do like an occasional tipple down the pub. Ok, so that might be an understatement but the key word in that sentence is “pub”. I am very much a social drinker and having a family with young boys I don’t get to do it very often, but when I do, I love it.  Over the past 12 months, time spent in the pub has been severely restricted and whilst others have carried on drinking indoors with their families, for some reason I just don’t enjoy drinking at home. I occasionally will have a bottle of beer if we have a barbecue but most of the time, I’d much rather have a cup of tea and keep a clear head and avoid the headache in the morning.  That being the case, I had drinks on two nights since November. Both have been on zoom calls where I have caught up with friends and on both occasions, I did not have more than a few bottles of beer. Do I feel healthier for it? Not really if I am honest. Have I lost weight? A bit but not much. Therefore, I have been craving the return