
Showing posts from March, 2021

Issue 24

  “Yesterday was a bad day” Last Tuesday was officially a day of reflection as it marked a full year since we went into Lockdown. There have been several thousands of words written on what this has meant for many.  As a family we sat down at dinner and reflected on the past year and focussed on the positive memories from the past 12 months. A lot of it made us truly thankful. From the barbecues in the garden to splashing in the paddling pool, from the surprisingly good insular Christmas Day to the endless walks. Each of us recalled a favourite memory but when we asked Toby, he said, “It was a bad weekend.” He was of course referring to our latest walk, where we decided to try a new part of the common. It started off very nice, walking through woodland and running down steep craters and then I had the bright idea of crossing a road to enter the common on the other side.  All I can say is that it was the definition of the grass not being greener on the other side. The gorgeous trees

Issue 23

  Christmas vibes I think I mentioned in a previous issue that one of my favourite things about Christmas morning was walking the dog. There is something magical in the air and everyone you meet are just so happy and wish you a “Merry Christmas,” it fills you with a warm glow and just happy to be alive. I am always disappointed when I next walk the dog on Boxing Day and the world reverts back to some people returning your greeting, whilst others ignore you or at best grunt. This week however it all changed. On Monday bright and early I was out with the dog. It was a chilly morning but not cold, it was bright as well, the perfect conditions for a 6am walk. The first couple I saw with their dog offered an enthusiastic greeting, the person on the other side of the road waved and by the time I saw one of my neighbours who is a Dad at Jamie’s school we broke into broad grins and both fist pumped at the same time!! Monday, of course, was the day the children went back to school. Only