
Showing posts from May, 2021

Working From Home Herald - Issue 28

  Issue 28: Deceiving the Dog Sometimes you do odd things every day as part of your morning or night time ritual. You do them so often that you don’t even consider them as peculiar until you mention it to someone else in passing. This happened last weekend whilst standing watching Jamie play football. I was talking to the other parents and the conversation centred around one of the parents and their gorgeous new puppy. Despite their best efforts their dog was just not getting the whole toilet training thing. Inevitably they asked what we did. Being an honest sort of chap I admitted that even at 3 years old, Scout still has the odd, rare accident, but this was mainly due to the boys waking up at all hours in the night and disturbing him and me not hearing his soft barks to go out. The accidents are few and far between but we initially struggled to train Scout until we came up with an innovative solution to stop him having accidents during the night.  You see, Scout is a homely dog

Working From Home Herald - Issue 27

  The Irrational dislike: I am pretty sure this is a thing, but it certainly is for me. I am of course referring to having an irrational dislike of a celebrity. A person I have never met, don’t know anything about in regard to their personal life and has never, I repeat, never done anything mean or horrible as far as I can tell. At least, they have definitely never done anything to offend me personally. And yet… despite knowing all of this, despite reasoning through all logic you find yourself not liking them.  It is unreasonable, stupid and even a little pathetic. I am not going to reveal who the celebrity is because knowing my luck, someone reading this will know him personally and may be offended. In true Line of Duty fashion let’s call the mystery man X. I could not articulate why I feel this way. The poor man has done nothing to warrant these feelings from me. In fact, millions of people love him but for some reason when I see him my toes curl and my teeth itch. Why am I con